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Freshworks specializes in providing software solutions for businesses. Founded in 2010, Freshworks has quickly established itself as a leading provider of customer engagement software. With headquarters in San Mateo, California, Freshworks has expanded its operations globally, serving over 150,000 businesses in more than 120 countries.

Freshworks offers a wide range of software and hardware solutions to help businesses streamline their operations and enhance customer experiences. Their flagship product, Freshdesk, is a cloud-based customer support software that enables businesses to manage customer inquiries, tickets, and support channels efficiently. Additionally, Freshworks provides Freshservice, a service desk software, Freshsales, a CRM software, and Freshchat, a live chat software, among other offerings. These software solutions are designed to improve customer engagement, automate processes, and drive business growth.

Freshworks specializes in various technology types to cater to the diverse needs of businesses. They excel in cloud computing, offering robust and scalable software solutions that can be accessed from anywhere, anytime. Their expertise also extends to artificial intelligence and machine learning, enabling businesses to leverage advanced technologies for data analysis, automation, and personalized customer experiences. Furthermore, Freshworks specializes in mobile technology, providing mobile apps and solutions that empower businesses to stay connected with their customers and manage operations on the go.

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