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Imperva specializes in providing cybersecurity solutions to businesses worldwide. Founded in 2002, the company has established itself as a trusted provider of software and hardware solutions that protect organizations from cyber threats. Imperva has expanded its operations globally, serving a diverse range of industries.

Imperva offers a comprehensive range of software and hardware solutions designed to safeguard businesses against various cyber threats. Their software offerings include web application firewalls, database security, and data protection solutions. These software solutions help organizations protect their critical data, prevent unauthorized access, and ensure compliance with industry regulations. In addition, Imperva provides hardware appliances that deliver high-performance security and scalability, enabling businesses to defend against advanced cyber attacks effectively.

Imperva specializes in various technology types to provide comprehensive cybersecurity solutions. They have expertise in web application security, helping businesses protect their web applications from vulnerabilities and attacks. Additionally, Imperva specializes in database security, offering solutions that safeguard sensitive data stored in databases from unauthorized access and breaches. They also focus on data protection, providing solutions that ensure data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. With their specialization in these technology types, Imperva is well-equipped to address the evolving cybersecurity challenges faced by organizations in today's digital landscape.

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